Africa has seen a revolution on many fronts including health, agriculture, education, energy and water management driven by a surge in smartphone. Internet access is on levels that were unprecedented driven by stiff competition among industry leaders that have lowered data costs.

More than half a billion people across Africa are subscribed to mobile services. Unfortunately, other millions of rural small scale farmers struggle for access to local and national markets that could lift them out of hunger and poverty. Digital innovations and digital communications is expected to increase market access and improve livelihoods for smallholder farmers for good.

SEX, CANCER, HAIR and ot her reasons Avocadoes should be i n every meal you t ake! 

Persea American, which is a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae, is the tree responsible for
the avocado frui t, a pear-shaped, nutrient-dense frui t. The term avocado refers to both the tree and the fruit. 

Avocado is a frui t, not a vegetable and actually belongsin the berry family. Avocadosare not just heal thy frui ts; they're undeniably delici ous and can go wi th many varieties of food
and can also be simply scooped out wi th a spoon and be eaten plain. Below is why avocado is considered a super fruit!

By Moses Muteti
When disasters strike a lot of things are hit hard. Life changes, sometimes to the worst. Social settings are interfered with and people’s perspective on life issues is completely changed. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has stricken the world at an unprecedented time, the beginning of the year. At the beginning, everyone thought, that with the medical advancements in the world right now, it would be taken care of fast. Technology in any field notwithstanding, the virus is out here affecting everyone regardless of their age, ethnicity, social status or profession.

Since its detection, entry and rapid spread across world’s continents, major sectors of the world economy have been hit hard. Among them, and arguably the backbone of our being is agriculture.

Bees are considered the world’s most important creatures to exist and could be the reason we are all alive.

On this day, May 20th, 1734 Anton Janša, the pioneer of bee keeping was born. To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, their contribution to sustainable development and to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day with the 2020 theme being “Save the Bees”.

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